Colo-i-Suva Forest Park

Explore a 6km-long network of walking trails that snake through this lush 250ha rainforest park, located just a 12-minute drive from Suva.

Located at an altitude of 121m to 182m, the park offers a cool, refreshing respite from the tropical heat of Suva as you navigate rope swings over rivers and stone steps across streams.

Along the way, try to spot some of the 14 species of colourful bird life including scarlet robins, spotted fantails, Fiji goshawks and barking pigeons than flit through the stands of mahogany and tropical flora.

Then cool off with a swim in a natural waterhole 150m above sea level.

Colo-i-Suva Forest Park was established in 1872.

Contact Information

Location: Princess Road, 11km north of Suva
Transport: Taxi or Sawani bus, which leaves Suva Municipal Market every 30 mins
Phone: 332 0211
Admission: F$5
Hours: Daily 8am-4pm

Latest update: Colo-i-Suva Forest Park: 11 May, 2022
