Santorini weather in June

June in Santorini sees the warmer summer season take off and is an excellent time to visit.

You can expect warm, sunny days with little or no rain. Daytime temperatures get much warmer climbing to an average high of 27°C (80°F).

How hot is it in Santorini in June?
Daytime temperatures usually reach 27°C (80°F) in Santorini in June with moderate to high heat and humidity, falling to 21°C (69°F) at night.

However, on the warmest days of the month, which normally occur at the end of the month, the temperature may reach a high of around 33°C (92°F).

How sunny is it in Santorini in June?
There are normally 11 hours of bright sunshine each day in Santorini in June – that's around 77% of daylight hours.

Sunrise & sunset in June?
Sunrise is around 6am with sunset around 8:35pm.

How warm is the sea around Santorini in June?
The average sea temperature around Santorini in June is 22°C (71°F), which is slightly cool for swimming, but acceptable.

Does it rain in Santorini in June?
There is less than 5mm (‹1in) of rainfall in Santorini in June.

How windy is it in Santorini in June?
June sees an average wind speed of 19km/h (10 knots; 12 mph). The predominant wind direction is from the north.

What to do in Santorini in June?
Weather conditions in June are good for sunbathing, swimming, snorkelling and scuba diving.

Away from the beach, this is also a good time to explore the island on foot, bicycle or motorcycle. Don't miss the preserved ruins of classical antiquity at Ancient Thera and the nearby Minoan Bronze Age settlement of Akrotiri or the narrow picture-perfect alleyways of Firá and Oía.

June is a good time to avoid the summer crowds and take advantage of cheaper off-season flights and hotel rates before the peak summer season.

Local holidays?
Orthodox Whit Sunday – 12th June; Orthodox Whit Monday – 13th June.

Santorini weather in June

Temperature icon High Temp: 27°C (80°F)
temperature icon Low Temp: 21°C (69°F)
sun icon Sunshine: 11 hours per day
Moderately hot icon
Daylight: 14+ hours per day
wind icon Wind speed: 19 km/h (10 knots; 12 mph)
umbrella icon Wet Days: Less than 1 day with some rain
rain cloud Rainfall: Less than 5mm (‹1in) per month
Modderate heat icon Comfort Level: Moderate to high heat & 60% humidity
Moderately hot icon
UV Index: Very High
swimming icon Sea Temp: 22°C (71°F)
Santorini, Greece

Best time to visit Santorini

The best time to visit Santorini is during mid-season (May, June, September and October) when the weather is warm and the island is less crowded. The peak season of July and August is beautiful with hot, sunny weather but comes at a cost of sky-rocketing prices in hotels and restaurants.

Santorini weather overview

Santorini weather by month

Source: Weather data for Santorini is based on meteorological statistics gathered for the 30-year period 1991 to 2020 by the Hellenic National Meteorological Service (HNMS) at the closest weather station: Santorini (Thira) International Airport (JTR), located about 5km (3mi) southeast of the capital, Fira.

Advice on the best time to visit a particular destination is based on average local weather statistics, when the weather conditions are generally better than at other times of the year. We consider high and low temperatures, risk of rain (and thunderstorms, etc.), amount of sunshine and sea temperature. For general outdoor activities we favour clear, rainless days with a temperature range between 18°C (64°F) and 27°C (80°F); and for hot-weather activities we favour clear, rainless days with a temperature range between 24°C (75°F) and 32°C (89°F). Often, the best times to visit correspond to high season and therefore involve higher prices.

Latest update: Santorini weather in June: 12 June, 2024

Disclaimer: The information on this site is provided as is, without any assurances as to its accuracy or suitability for any purpose. Weather data and conditions at any given location and time are unpredictable and variable. We assume no responsibility and can not be held legally responsible for any decisions made on the basis of the information presented on this site.
