Some key facts about Mauritius.
Country name – Republic of Mauritius
Area – 2,040 sq km
Population – 1.25 million
Capital city – Port Louis (population 150,000)
Government – Republic established in 1992; gained independence from the UK in 1968
Language – Creole, English and French.
Useful phrases – Try these French phrases: Bonjour – hello; ca va? – how are you?; merci – thank you; S'il vous plait – please; Oui – Yes; Non – No
Climate – Tropical. Mauritius enjoys a tropical maritime climate, with little seasonal variation in temperature. Wintere from May to early October is warm and dry with an average temperature of 18°C to 24°C. Summer, from December to April, is hot, humid and wet, with an average temperature on the coast that ranges from 25°C to 33°C.
Currency – Mauritius Rupee (MUR)
Time Zone – Six hours behind Australian Eastern Standard Time; four hours behind Australian Western Standard Time; GMT/UTC +4 hours
Electricity – 240 volts, 50hz; Australian-style three-pin plugs and round two-pin plugs
Religion – Mostly Hindu, large Christian and Islam and Buddhist minorities
Dialling – code +230
Tipping – Tipping is discretionary. Government tax, added to all hotel and restaurant bills, is included in the basic price.
Local etiquette – Visitors are requested not to offend local sensibilities.
Tip – Hats and sunscreen are a must and sneakers or sandals are advisable for walking and swimming around coral. If you cut yourself on coral pour lemon or lime juice over the wound to relieve the pain, or use hydrogen peroxide.
Did you know? – Creole is a language adapted from 17th century French.
Latest update: Mauritius facts: 30 December, 2022