Main attractions on Taveuni Island

The eco-friendly island of Taveuni offers several must-see attractions for inquisitive couples celebrating a honeymoon or romantic getaway, including the following…

Bouma National Heritage Park

Explore on foot the largest rainforest preserve in Fiji, a 15,000ha reserve of tropical rainforest that covers almost 80 per cent of Taveuni, with trails leading to waterfalls, volcanic peaks and sea-pounded cliffs.

Hike to Tavoro Falls, a 24m-high cascade that plunges into a natural rock pool – just one of three waterfalls easily found along the Bouma Falls Trail.

Enjoy panoramic views and see historic hill fortifications on the Vidawa Forest Walk or enjoy coastal breezes along the scenic Lavena Coastal Walk that follows an ancient forest and coastal track to several secluded coves and beaches.

More about Bouma National Heritage Park

Des Voeux Peak

Enjoy panoramic views across the Somosomo Strait to Vanua Levu, Rabi, Lavena and the eastern coast of Taveuni, as well as Lake Tagimoucia. The summit of Taveuni's second highest mountain at 1200m-high is easy to reach on a 30-minute drive from Wairiki followed by a 20-minute walk.

Along the way, look out for rare birds such as silktails, ferntails, kula parrots and orange-breasted doves, while listening to the raucous cries of barking parrots. It’s best to make this trip in the early morning before rain clouds hide the scenic panorama.

Lake Tagimaucia

Although easily seen from Des Voeux Peak, the easy hike up to this shallow lake situated in a dormant volcano at an altitude of 800m allows you to see first-hand the legendary Tagimaucia flower – a rare plant that produces distinctive red blooms with white centres from October to the end of December.

Waitabu Marine Park

Discover colourful marine life and corals on a guided snorkel tour through the warm waters of this 1km-long coastal marine park.

Afterwards, paddle up river on a bamboo ‘bilibili’ raft excursion or head to nearby Waitabu village to watch traditional song and dance performances and learn how the ancient Fijians conducted warfare in the days when cannibalism was an accepted occurance.

Lavena Coastal Trail

Take a romantic stroll along the scenic Lavena Coastal Trail, a 5km walk from the village of Lavena.

Spot colourful native birds as you follow the track past secluded coves and the white-sand beach of Lavena before heading inland across a swing bridge following a trail through rainforest and several Fijian villages to reach the flooded rock-lined canyon of the Wainibau River; through which you must swim to arrive at Wainibau Falls.

Peckham Pearl Farm

Learn about black pearl cultivation and perhaps buy a romantic souvenir at Taveuni Island's only salt-water pearl farm.

180-degree Meridian marker

Hop, skip or jump from today to yesterday at the 180-degree Meridian marker, where local people were once able to go from one day to the next in a single step; before the creation of the International Dateline, which now detours to the east of Fiji. Nearby stands the Wairiki Catholic Mission School, a majestic stone church built in 1907 overlooking Somosomo Strait.

Vuna Blowholes

Visit the southern coastline of Taveuni near the village of Vuna to watch the incoming tide create 50m-high waterspouts. Then stroll up the nearby hilltop to examine the remains of an old Fijian fortification.

Waitavala Waterslide

Take a slide on the wild side with local children at this gentle cascade, which surges over slippery, naturally polished stones, located in a pretty rainforest near the town of Waiyevo.

Latest update: Attractions in Taveuni Island, Fiji: 2 November, 2022
